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We Are Open


Our GP registrars (who are fully qualified doctors specialising by training in General Practice) are with us for six months at a time, and consult independently under the supervision of their trainer, Dr Rachel Cooper.

Foundation year 2 Dr

We train Foundation Year 2 doctors (F2), after qualification. F2 doctors see patients independently with close supervision from a fully qualified GP consulting at the same time in the practice. F2 doctors are with us for a 4month period.

GP Teaching & Training

We have third year medical students in small groups, up to four, in the practice, on Wednesday mornings .

We also host fifth ( final ) year medical students, who sit in surgery /consultations one to one, at intervals during the year.

Student Nurses

We train and mentor student nurses.
Our Practice Nurse Karen Fraser is a nurse mentor.

Educational Partners

We work closely with Northumbria university and Newcastle university and regularly host medical students including nurses.